Specializing in Florida's Family Empowerment Scholarship
We are family owned and operated, with our own child on the FES Scholarship. We hope to provide great service and support to families in similar situations to our own. We proudly treat all our Families enrolled in therapy with the following principles:
1. Parent Choice: We know Parents know their child better than any therapist ever can. We work for YOU, the Parent. We highly value Parents' goals for therapy and will always do our best to work towards the goals a Parent has for their Children in therapy.
2. Dignity. We will always use person first, positive language around your child about their progress and work in music. We will never discuss your child like he or she is not there or cannot understand.
3. Hassle Free Re-scheduling, Cancellation, and Session Postponement. We never charge for missed sessions and are happy to work with anyone wanting to find a practical schedule that works for your family. We definitely know things come up that require a reschedule or session delay!
4. Treating the Person, not the Label. Every child is unique. We will always treat the person first, and use any diagnosis only as a way to inform the best approaches to take during a session.
5. Golden Rule: It's simple, we strive to treat other Families and children in therapy, the way we would like our Family and child to be treated.